Events & Info

Upcoming Highlights Include:
A Night of Worship & Prayer
Join us THIS Wednesday, March 12th at 6:30pm for a Night of Worship and Prayer. It is our desire to worship the Lord “in Spirit and in Truth” as we pray for each other, our nation and the world. Plan now to be there and experience God in a new way.
Awana Club Continues
The Awana program is at Cornerstone every Wednesday, at 6:30pm. The Awana Club is a Bible-based children’s ministry program focused on teaching children the Gospel of Jesus Christ through scripture memory, Bible lessons, games, and activities. Please see Katie Naylor for more information.
Don’t Plan Lunch, Dine with Us
March 9th right after Morning Worship, the youth will host a Pinto Bean & Soup Fundraiser Lunch. Donations will be accepted to cover this “country” meal. All donations will go on the cost of Snowbird Summer Camp or other youth activities. Please stay and join us for lunch.
Daughters of the King Spa Party
You are invited to a Daughters of the King Spa party at Cornerstone Christian Church on March 29th from10am-12:30pm. This will include manicures, pedicures, facials, and a tea party lunch with a devotional. Please RSVP at the link below by March 22nd. There are only 10 slots available for ages 4-5th grade! Moms are welcome or you can drop off!
CEF’s Annual Fundraising Banquet
Please consider supporting our local chapter of CEF which trains and helps us with our Good News Clubs. The dinner is free, and it is a great place to learn what God has been doing in our region to reach the children of central NC. Please join us on March 10th at the Statesville Civic Center at 6pm to learn more about how you can reach children for Christ, disciple them in their walk with Him, and establish them in a local church for continued growth.
Classical Conversations Presents: Faces of History
You are invited to join our home school group as they present “Faces of History” this Thursday, March 20st at 6:30pm. You will visit their wax museum and watch figures come to life as they relate stories from history. Don’t miss this free, fun-filled event!
You can Help and Learn!
Friday, March 28th at 9am the SonShine Servants are making Chicken Pies. (Yeah!) You are invited to help with this process. Come enjoy the fellowship while you learn how a true Moravian Chicken Pie is made.
“Fill the Bowl” Challenge
The Month of March we will have a “Fill the Bowl” challenge. We will collect as many boxes as possible of kids’ cereal for a local non-profit ministry, City Lights Ministry. City Lights delivers groceries to hundreds of children weekly, and cereal would be helpful for them. So, please pick up an extra box of cereal or two for kids in need! You can drop them off in the hall between the Children’s Church doors
March Mission Highlight – Missionary Air Group (MAG)
Alan & Carole Brooks
The Brooks family serves at MAG Headquarters in Burlington, NC. Alan has over 40 years of General Aviation experience as an Airframe & Powerplant mechanic and a Pilot. He spends his time training and mentoring young missionary pilots for service with MAG as well as with other mission organizations around the world. Carole serves on MAG’s Administrative Support team. They use their passion for people, for the Gospel, and to help the MAG Team bring the hope of Jesus Christ to remote people throughout Central America. Cornerstone supports Alan & Carole through prayer and monthly support.
New Canaan Society of Davie
All men are invited to come to the Davie County New Canaan Society meeting this Thursday at 7am at 801 Southern Kitchen. This is a Christian fellowship for men where men share their personal testimony and prayer. For more information, see Jay Abernethy.
Youth News – Wednesdays – 6:30pm
Storehouse for Jesus needs includes Cereal, Saltine Crackers, Canned Meat, Canned Fruit, Canned Soup. Other items needed: Any kitchen, bath, baby items and clothing of all sizes. Place your donations in the labeled bin next to the Lost and Found. A Storehouse for Jesus is also in need of volunteers. If you would like to be a part of this team, please contact them at 336-753-8081
SUNDAY SCHOOL – Where Faith & Life Connect
Join us for Sunday School at 9am offering the following classes:
For Adult
- Theology Class (Room 102) Answering the hard questions from a Biblical perspect
- Get Connected – (Theater) Looking at life issues from a Biblical persp
- Men’s Bible Study – (Library) Returning Feb. 4th. Digging into the book of Philippians.
- Soul Sisters – (Room 120) Women’s Support Group
For Youth – Middle School & High School In the Noiz Youth room #122
For Children – Grades K to 5th Resuming their journey through the Bible with the New Testament in room #109
Nursery available during Worship only (at 10am)
This is an opportunity to get connected and grow in your walk with the Lord.
Offering Options
Mail-In – For your convenience, feel free to mail your offerings to:
Cornerstone Christian Church
Attn: Garnette
1585 NC Hwy 801 N
Mocksville, NC 27028
Drive-In – You will still be able to drive under the carport and drop off your offering.
Carry-In – There will be an offering drop box available between the double doors going into the FLC.