History, Vision, & Mission
Our History
Cornerstone Christian Church was born out of love — love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All things are built on this foundation, hence the name Cornerstone.
Organized in May 2004, our history is brief, but our short life together has been blessed in many, many ways by God’s presence and power.
Our Vision
To be a non-denominational church, with a commitment to being a Biblically functioning community so that Jesus Christ is known and glorified. (Acts 2:42-47, Eph. 4:11-16)
Our Mission
To equip people to grow into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Our Worship Service
The Worship Service (Sundays at 10:00am with nursery provided) is a modern contemporary blend of praise music and sacred hymns that includes singing, fellowship, giving, and hearing His Word so that we are able to experience God in a new and fresh way.